Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sticks for a day

As Ive mentioned before, I love urban living, its close proximity to the core, and the diversity. Ive never felt connected living in suburbia although I grew up comfortably there until I went away to college. I think its a fabulous place to raise a family. My father in law owns a farm near Georgetown OH which I enjoy visiting. Rural living is far, completely out of the way but and relaxing. My kids really enjoy the 100 acres, horses, cats, dogs, goats, peaceful pastures, and hayrides when we visit. 

So Grandma Mary asked if Sydney would participate in a lead line 6 and under horse show. I drove Sydney to the Brown County fair for the show which was adorable and I was so proud of her. Afterwards we browsed other events including a cow showing contest. Im sorry but this is the first time I have ever heard of such a thing. These poor cows are shown bursting with fat utters full of milk. The milk dripping as they are pulled along with a rope around their neck in a line. I kept having a flashback to my nursing days, especially the first days home from the hospital when the milk know what I mean. I swear it looked like their eyeballs would pop out of their head if the leader pulled any harder. Ouch.

Getting back to Mary she did such a great job leading Sydney and getting her prepared for the show. She gave up her coolest ribbon so Sydney would have something to remember the day with. They only gave ribbons to the top few and please help me understand what child event doesnt give ribbons to every participant under six? Anyway...Mary you rock.

On the 2 hour ride back I wanted to stop at least one yard sale. Im a sucker for flea markets, and others garbage. This was a true experience. Some of the crap people are trying to sell were so useless and dilapidated. Others at the yard sale had no shirts on smoking and shopping...hmmmm yum. "Summer" teeth...sum are her sum are know what Im talking about. There are yard sales worse than that in urban world I promise but it was a just comical.

So whats my point here on this topic? I have no idea...just wanted to chat about my rural farm fair experience and I was happy to get back to the hood that I reside. Well I dont really live in the hood, in fact, I think its the most beautiful historic neighborhood in Cincinnati. I guess to someone living in a rural area it would be the hood. 

Yea Syddy Girl you cowgirl...for a day!  

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm living in the sticks for a few years! Just kidding, kinda :-) Actually, it's not that bad here in Knoxville. But it's definitely not Cincinnati. We really miss it and our great friends there! :-)
    Can't wait to finish school and get back up there...that will be a great day! Patience, patience....
    Hope you guys are doing well. I might come up over Halloween weekend, I'll keep you posted. Say hi to Jeff and the girls and have a great weekend!
