Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Time Birthdays

I just read another bloggers take on Holiday bdays and I agree completely. Her blog is very similar to how I deal with My middle daughters Birthday of December 26th. Oh yes, the day after Christmas! I attached a link to her site below.

We celebrate her birthday, pink and pretty every year but it tough and were typically exhausted for the party. This year we decided to have a special party in late January with a bunch of girls from school for her 4th Bday. Regardless, its her Birthday on the 26th so we have a plan and a cake! Were making a barbie cake from scratch and well celebrate with our family like nothing else matters.

Even crazier is that the home we purchased about a year ago was owned by a woman and two men. The woman passed away just two weeks prior to our close date of this house. Luckily the other two owners had suvivorship deed and we were able to transfer title. Her birthday, December 26th. Some say wierd I say it was meant to be.

One thing I have learned about Birthdays this time of year is you need to plan in July for gifts, never use Christmas paper, and never serve leftovers!

1 comment:

  1. Good blog, Heather. Give our Happy Birthday wishes to Sydney! My cousin just had their 1st baby this morning so he, too will have a "holiday birthday."
    Happy Birthday Sydney!
    Miss you guys and hope to see you soon! ~m
